Jill Wyatt Marshall
Watercolor is Jill Wyatt Marshall’s favorite medium and her passion for accuracy and detail is accomplished by using a tight, realistic style. Jill began painting in 1995 and her art is filled with wit, imagination and charm, with her favorite subjects being children, animals and Native American women & children.
One of Jill’s paintings, “THE MULLIGAN”, was selected by PGA Tour player, Ryan Palmer, as an official logo for the Ryan Palmer Foundation. Jill was commissioned to create a mirror-mosaic, life-size Quarter-horse mare and colt, displayed at the Women’s Healthcare Associates building in Amarillo, TX.
Jill’s father, Kenneth Wyatt, was an Internationally-known artist, and her mother, Veda, was a sculptor and jewelry designer.
Jill lives in Plainview, Texas with her husband, Matthew, and they have one son, Jakob (3rd Generation Wyatt artist) and daughter-in-love, Elyse.